Dato' Saiful Bahri Bin Zainuddin


Dato’ Saiful Bahri is the Executive Director of OSK Group.

Dato’ Saiful was appointed by the Minister of Finance as Independent Non Executive Director of Bursa Malaysia Berhad in 2008, a Board Member of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and Bursa Malaysia Securities Clearing Sdn. Bhd. from April 2015. He was then appointed as Senior Independent Director for his active role as a Director and in addition to his Board member role, he also sits on Committees for Market Participation, Risk Management and Nomination & Remuneration. He was a former Member of the Securities Commission’s Securities Law Consultative Committee and he was previously on the Board of Trustee for the Bumiputera Dealer Representative Education Fund and the Bumiputera Training Fund.

Dato’ Saiful Bahri was appointed as an Advisory Council Member of the Secondary Market for the Securities Commission Malaysia and also was a Board Member of Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Centre (SIDREC), appointed to the Board on 28 April 2010. He was also a Director of KAF Seagroatt & Campbell Berhad.

Dato’ Saiful Bahri’s previously held positions include Executive Director of Affin Hwang Investment Bank Berhad, Executive Director of Affin Holdings Berhad, Managing Director of Affin UOB Securities, Executive Director Dealing of Rashid Hussain Securities and Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director Dealing of Fima Securities Sdn. Bhd. He was attached to the Corporate Planning Division of Heavy Industries Corp. of Malaysia (HICOM) and he was the Financial Adviser to the State Government of Negeri Sembilan and a member of the Negeri Sembilan State Government Think Tank.

Currently, Dato’ Saiful Bahri’s other directorships are Independent Non-Executive Director of KAF Investment Bank Berhad where he chairs the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and sits on KAF Investment Board, Audit Committee and Risk Committee. He is the Chairman of PT KAF Securitas Indonesia. He also sits on the Investment Committee Board of Eastspring Investments Berhad. He was also appointed to the Board of Eastspring Investments Berhad on 20 June 2022. He is also a member of the Audit Committee of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).

Dato’ Saiful holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics & Finance from Western Michigan University, United States of America. He attended the Global Leadership Development Programme at Stanford University, United States of America and Financial Institutions Directors Education Programme.